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Watch Breaking Legs HIGH Quality Definitons

The Animals Definition and Meaning. T1 - THE ANTIf you look at the sixth verse of the sixth chapter of Proverbs, youwill read, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and bewise." A sluggard, you know, is a man, or woman, or child, who does notlove to read or to do any kind of work, but likes to sleep or be idleall the day long.

Do you think you were ever acquainted with one? Now see what the Bible tells the sluggard to do. It bids him go to thelittle ant, and "consider her ways," that is, look on and see what shedoes. Have you ever watched the ants when they were busy at work?

Itwill give you very pleasant employment for half an hour on a summer'sday. In some places you may see small ant- hills scattered about, soclose together that you can hardly step without treading on them; andyou may find other places where there are not so many, but where thehills are much larger. I have seen them so large that you could hardlystep over one of them without touching it with your foot and breakingsome part of it. And then how busy the little creatures are! Justkneel down on the grass beside them, and notice how they work! You willsee one little fellow creeping along as fast as he can go, with a grainof sand in his mouth, perhaps as large as his head. He does not stop torest, but when he has carried his grain to help build the hill, away hegoes for another.

You may watch them all day and never see them idle atall. You see why God tells the sluggard to go and look at the little ants: itis that when he sees them so busy, he may be ashamed of himself forbeing idle, and learn to be "wise," or diligent in whatever heundertakes. I should not think he could help going to work, after hehad looked at them a little while. The ants seem to be very happy, and. I think it is because they are so busy.

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God has put nobody in thisworld to be idle: even children have something to do. The inside of anant- hill is very curious, but it is not easy to examine it withoutdestroying all the work that the little insects have taken so much painsto finish. There is a kind of ant in warm climates that builds foritself hills as high as a man.

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Watch Breaking Legs HIGH Quality DefinitonsWatch Breaking Legs HIGH Quality DefinitonsWatch Breaking Legs HIGH Quality Definitons

They are not made of sand, but of a kindof clay; and have a great many cells or apartments, and many windingpassages leading from one part to another. All this is done, as the. Bible says, without "guide, overseer or ruler; " that is, they have noone to direct them how to do it. God gives them skill just as he doesto the honey- bees in building the beautiful cells which you have sooften admired; all His works are wonderful. T2 - THE DONKEYPerhaps you may have seen the donkey, though it is not very common in thiscountry. It has some resemblance to a horse, but is not as large, andgenerally seems rather sleepy and dull.

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In some countries, such asthose where the Bible was written, it is a fine large animal, and thepeople use it for riding. Watch Perfect Combination Online there. Some persons mentioned in the Bible owned agreat many donkeys. Abraham had sheep, and oxen, and donkeys and camels; and Job had at one time five hundred donkeys, and afterwards he had athousand. A great many years ago, long before Christ came into theworld, the rich men and the judges used to ride upon donkeys: so we readin the 1. Judges, "Speak, ye that rideupon white donkeys, ye that sit in judgment." After this time many finehorses were brought into those countries, and the kings and great menliked them for riding: so the donkey was used by the poorer people whocould not buy a horse.

You remember that when our blessed Savior wasentering Jerusalem a few days before his death, he rode upon an donkey; thus showing his meekness and humility, even while the multitude wereshouting his praises, and spreading their garments in the way to do himhonor. How shall we be like our Savior, if we let pride stay in ourhearts? Watch Good Hair Megavideo. The donkey is very gentle and patient, and does not seem angry even when hehas a very heavy load to carry.

I should be very sorry to have himtreated unkindly. Though he seems so dull, he loves his master, andwill sometimes find him out and run to him even when he is in a crowd ofmen. God says, in the Bible, "The ox knoweth his owner, and the donkey hismaster's crib; but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider."Is it not a sad thing that the dull donkey should be more grateful than weare? Would it not seem to you very wonderful to hear a dog or a horse speak,so that you could understand what he said? It would be a strange thingindeed- a miracle; but you will find in the 2. Numbers thatan donkey once spoke to his master.

The master's name was Balaam. He wasa wicked man, and he was riding on an donkey to a place where he knew Goddid not wish him to go. As they were journeying an angel with a drawnsword in his hand stood in the way, but Balaam did not see him. The donkey saw him, and was so afraid that she turned aside out of the road, andwent into a field; then Balaam was angry and tried to drive her backinto the way. They had now come to a path of the vineyards, having awall on each side, and there the donkey saw the bright angel again.

Intrying to avoid the angel, the donkey crushed Balaam's foot against thewall; and he was more angry and struck her again. Then the angel wentforward a little distance, and stood where the path was so narrow thatit was impossible to pass him.

The donkey was now so much frightened thatshe would go no farther, and fell down in the road; and Balaam beat herin a great passion. Then the donkey spoke to Balaam and said, "What have Idone to thee that thou hast smitten me these three times?" And when. Balaam exclaimed, "I wish there were a sword in my hand, for now would Ikill thee," she only replied, "Am I not thine donkey upon which thou hastridden ever since I was thine unto this day? Was I ever wont to do sounto thee?" Can we not learn, even from the donkey, a lesson of meeknessand patience?

The wild donkey is often mentioned in the Bible, as in Psalm 1. They(the springs) give drink to every beast of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst." They live in desert places, and go about in greatcompanies with one for their leader. You will find these words aboutthem in the 3. Job: "Who hath sent out the wild donkey free ? Whose house I have madethe wilderness, and the barren land his dwellings. He scorneth themultitude of the city, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver.