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Funny about Money. The ‘tother evening I went over to a small neighborhood party down in lower Richistan.
That was amusing. A variety of locals, young and old, new and veteran, gathered in one worthy’s front yard. The beauty of events like these is that you can learn a lot about the ‘hood, invariably fascinating in an old, established district like ours. So after the corgi cuteness had broken the ice — corgis do have their uses, even in the absence of sheep — I sat down next to an older woman who said she’s lived here for 4. The current hot topic of conversation is the bums imported on the lightrail.
None of the locals are hearing any of the argument that this neighborhood has nothing like the problem we used to have in the Encanto area when it was gentrifying. There, you couldn’t stick your nose out the front door without encountering a derelict. Here, even though you find their leavings in the alleys — drug paraphernalia, feces, and toilet paper, you rarely see the bums themselves, except where they hang around the QT and the Circle K in the war zone at the intersection of Conduit of Blight Blvd and Gangbanger’s Way, which happens to be the end of the line for the damn train. She — the old gal — insisted the place was over- run with them, and that the alley running behind her house is the main Bum Thoroughfare through the ‘hood. Could be: she lives close to the home where the drug- addled fool jumped a neighbor’s fence and molested her two little girls while they were playing in their backyard. Fortunately the mother caught him before he could make off with either one of the children. Oh well. Where the two ne’er- do- well men who lived in the wrecked house with their old mother until she died have moved out, they left their cats.
These cats were mightily neglected while they were living there — mostly the neighbors fed them. So it has become a Neighborhood Project to figure out what to do with the cats. At the moment at least one of them has gone missing: someone has put up a sign on the mailbox offering $1. The old gal said that while the brothers were running their shade- tree car repair business, there were at least two explosions at that house.
Not surprising: Orderly was not their middle name. The neighbors speculate that the house will have to be torn down, now that the family (or whatever they were) is gone. They had the roof, which is designed to be clad in asphalt or cedar shingles, sprayed with a thick layer of white roofing foam. Watch The 25Th Anniversary Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Concert Download Full. It’s a gawdawful mess that will require the entire roof to be removed. The fix- & -flippers, facing an unholy job, only paid about $3. In Phoenix, you can keep the original set- back on a house that you’re re- building if you leave one or two walls — any walls — standing and claim it’s a re- hab, not new construction. This enables speculators to build what is essentially a new house yet get around some of the newer, more onerous code requirements.
So we expect that’s what we’ll see in the near future. Not a corgi…Meanwhile, the old gal said she lives right behind the other major eccentric in the ‘hood, the one who was breeding the “King shepherds.” You may remember, she tried to sell me one of these outsized Ger- sheps. This is the house where the Level 2 sex offender dwells — supposedly a child molester. Evidently those sex- offender- tattler websites are not read by real estate buyers, since two families with small children moved in on the same street…one of them right next door. At any rate, Our Informant reported that this woman never got rid of the litter of pups she had, and so now NINE adult German shepherds live and bark in her back yard. Right behind Informant’s home.
She said before this woman got the German shepherds, she had wolf hybrids, which used to jump the wall and roam around the neighborhood. How exactly this differs from the coyote who lives in the alley over there escapes me. Said coyote, whom I’ve seen twice in the past week or so, undoubtedly has something to do with the mysterious disappearance of the abandoned cats.{sigh}It’s interesting how these central urban neighborhoods age and evolve. When Richistan was built, in the late 1. It was a little too close to Conduit of Blight — in those days Realtors would advise buyers looking in North Central never to buy west of 7th Avenue. But nevertheless, a couple of areas in the frowned- upon zone managed to be developed into upper- middle- class areas. They were in the Madison School district — the only decent school district in the city proper, at the time — rendering the location highly desirable for young professionals who did not want to commute.
So: doctors, lawyers, business execs, and their Junior- League wives. Richistan has kind of held its value, largely because of a couple of very fancy enclaves over there and of course because of the school district. But over time, as the kids grew up and went away, it developed a kind of…hmmm…senescent eccentricity. Westminster Bridge Full Movie Online Free. Hence, the wolf lady and her questionable son, the shade- tree repair garage, Mr. Freeman” the Tax Revolt Guy, and a number of run- down houses that, in recent years, have lent themselves to profitable fixing- and- flipping. The nearby horse properties were sold and turned into small Mc.
Mansion tracts. The area is looking pretty good now — Zillow had a “Zestimate” of $4. I’m sure they’ll get much more than that, once the place is cleaned up and refurbished. Those irrigated lots alone are worth almost that much. I’d kill to have one — but keep the 2.
If I could get the lot alone and built a human- sized house on it, I’d jump at the opportunity. But that ain’t gonna happen. Meanwhile, the low- rent district where I live has also evolved. Built in the early 1. Richistan consists of what used to be called “semi- custom” houses. Over here, on the wrong side of Main Drag NS, the houses all look alike: the same block exteriors with only about four or, at the outside, five different elevations. I got in during the Savings & Loan crisis, when people were going belly- up right and left: a predecessor of the Bush Recession.
The original owner of my first house here had died, leaving her son stuck with a house whose value was fading fast. My Realtor talked him down by 3.
I could barely afford, but which I swung by taking on SDXB as a “renter.” {snarkle!}Quite a few of the residents were original owners, most of their houses well maintained. A number, though, were eccentrics or people who couldn’t afford to keep the houses up, and as the S& L recession continued, a number of places were sold to Canadian speculators who turned them into rentals. Needless to say, those houses went downhill fast. Then the Perp moved in. By now the recession was over and the houses were beginning to regain their value. He started buying up houses from elderly owners, who had NO idea what they were worth. These he would turn into rentals, with little or no fix- up.
Before long, I think he had eight or nine houses in this six- square- block tract. Needless to say, the Perp’s activities did nothing to improve the neighborhood. He failed to chase me off, despite threatening a judge and scaring the shit out of my lawyers. But I did learn, several years after I moved into this house — which is in the same tract but further away from Conduit of Blight, the War Zone, and what at the time promised to be the Construction Project from Hell, which the City launched to build its damned lightrail — that the people who lived here sold because they were afraid of the Perp. Apparently he had terrorized the neighbors all around this corner.
My neighbor Terri moved in at the same time I did, and so whoever owned her house evidently moved because of the Perp; plus he bought a house catty- corner across the street from me and another place two lots down and installed his daughters in them. Dave, proprietor of Dave’s Used Car Lot, Marina, and Weed Arboretum, was pretty stolid: it would be hard to scare him off. Besides, he was armed.