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Details of the cast, crew, links to reviews and the official site.

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Harrison Ford Thinks Ryan Gosling Should Be Grateful He Didn't Get Punched More. Last year, Ryan Gosling told GQ that Harrison Ford punched him in the face while filming Blade Runner 2. According to Ford himself, yup, it happened, it’s Gosling’s fault, and he should be thankful that he only got punched once.“I punched Ryan Gosling in the face,” Ford said. Ryan Gosling’s face was where it should not have been.”During a lengthy interview with GQ, Ford took us on a journey of the Punch Felt Around the World, which happened while shooting an action sequence (Gosling added that after it happened, Ford pushed him aside so he could put his hand in ice that had been provided for Gosling).
According to Ford, the whole thing was “9. Watch Exorcist House Of Evil Online Metacritic'>Watch Exorcist House Of Evil Online Metacritic. Gosling’s fault because he did not get out of the way during the ill- fated face bagging—and he also pointed out that Gosling should appreciate not having been punched more than that. His job was to be out of the range of the punch. Watch Indian Summer Streaming on this page. My job was also to make sure that I pulled the punch. But we were moving, and the camera was moving, so I had to be aware of the angle to the camera to make the punch look good.
You know, I threw about a hundred punches in the shooting of it, and I only hit him once,” he said. Gosling also told GQ last year that, as an apology, Ford brought a bottle of Scotch to his dressing room.
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A nice gesture, for sure, and one that fits their working relationship—Ford clearly respects Gosling, especially for being a “fucking Mouseketeer” who’s been acting since he was a child. But surprisingly, the apology came with a catch. All Ford did was pour Gosling a glass.. When asked about this, Ford didn’t skip a beat.“What, did he fucking expect the whole bottle?”[GQ].
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