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Cassini: The Grand Finale: For Media. News and Status Reports. NASA and the Cassini team will issue periodic status reports on mission activities and make them available online at Latest Status. More news is also available at https: //www. NASA has released several media advisories in advance of Cassini's end of mission with details about press accreditation, media briefings, special media opportunities, on- site logistics at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and NASA TV and Web coverage. Video. Replay of April 4 Grand Finale Preview: Images.
NASA Television. NASA Television Channels are digital C- band signals, carried by QPSK/DVB- S modulation on satellite Galaxy- 1. MHz, vertical polarization, data rate of 3. MHz, symbol rate of 2. Mbps, and 3/4 FEC. A Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) compliant Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD) is needed for reception.
For NASA TV information and schedules on the Web, visit www. Live NASA TV programming on NASA’s public channel is available on the Web atnasa. The NASA TV media channel is available live at https: //www. Archived NASA TV programming is available soon after it airs at youtube. Additional Live Video Streams. Additional live streaming video will be available at youtube.

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Schedule details for these channels will be available at saturn. NASA Live Streaming Channel Guide. A Cassini playlist from JPL's You. Tube channel. *For Media Using Live. U Multipoint: Contact Live. U support at least two days in advance of event (by Sept. Tell them our group name: JPL.
On- Site Media Logistics. News media representatives covering Cassini end- of- mission activities in person must be accredited through the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Media Relations Office. Registration for media has already ended. Journalists may call (8. Cassini on the Web. Cassini information - - including this press kit, news releases, fact sheets, mission details and background, status reports and images — is available on the web at https: //saturn.

Mission updates are also available on Twitter (@Cassini. Saturn), Facebook (https: //www. NASACassini). About the Mission.
The Spacecraft. Social Media: Join the Conversation. Images Interactives. Printable Materials. Program and Project Management.
The Cassini program is an international cooperative effort involving NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), as well as several separate European academic and industrial contributors. The Cassini partnership represents an undertaking whose scope and cost could not likely be borne by any single nation. The mission was made possible through shared investment and participation. In the United States, the mission is managed for NASA's Science Mission Directorate by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California. JPL is a division of Caltech. At JPL, Earl H. Maize is the Cassini program manager.
Linda J. Spilker is the Cassini project scientist, and Scott G. Watch The Wild Bunch Online Facebook. Edgington is the deputy project scientist. At NASA Headquarters, Bill Knopf is Cassini program executive and Curt Niebur is Cassini program scientist. Development of the Huygens Titan probe was managed by the European Space Technology and Research Center. The center's prime contractor, Aerospatiale (now Alcatel) in Cannes, France, assembled the probe with equipment supplied by many European countries. Huygens' batteries and two scientific instruments came from the United States. ASI contributions were major components of the Radio Subsystem and the Radar and Visible and Infrared Spectrometer instruments.
At ESA, Nicolas Altobelli is the project scientist. Enrico Flamini, the ASI contract manager during the development phase, is the ASI project representative. Deal Online Putlocker there. The U. S. Department of Energy provided Cassini's radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The U. S. Air Force supplied the Titan IVB/Centaur launch vehicle. These components, as well as the spacecraft propulsion module, were built by the mission's major U. S. contractor, Lockheed Martin.